Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm out of touch and out of time....

Thanks for the emails of support. Jen and I really appreciate the worry emails. I'm sorry for not being in touch more often. The road can be trying and then there is the social aspects of trip. And then there places where internet just doesn't exist. Or electricity for that matter.....

Break downs have become our "thing". If the autorickshaw, did not break down at least once within the day, then I would worry. Its an adventure to find a mechanic (or anything for that matter) in small villages along the route. Of course, Indian ARC provides their own mechanics but it could a few hours till they reach the rickshaw.

Best thing to is take the bull by the horns and find what you need out there.

I have video to upload. I have photos to show. I have stories to tell. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time right now. Other autorickshaw riders are waiting.

Much love,
Rickshaw Raj


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're surviving out there...been thinking of you daily.

Can't wait to see photos and hear stories.


Anonymous said...


Good luck out there and I want to see pictures of the Indian Drag Queen when you get home!

Can't wait to here the stories and watch the videos.


Anonymous said...

Bull by the horns! Go rickshawgrrls! It sounds like true adventure you've been having out there in the rains and on the road. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you return to to DC, Raj.